[luci] Running kernel modules in LuCI

Станислав Федоров fedorovstanislav at mail.ru
Mi Sep 3 12:10:09 CEST 2008

Hello, Cyrus

Thanks for reply and good work.

Yes, almost. It doesn't should show list -- just like that (we see on web page):
Enable Action ( )

When we set V (Enable Action (V)) and press Save and Apply kernel module action.ko must be runned (insmod action.ko). If we set off V (Enable Action ( )) and press Save and Apply kernel module action.ko must be removed (rmmod action.ko). Looks simple but how do that)

And one more similar question. How can we add parameters? For example on page we have:
Enable Action ( )
Param 1 [      ]
Param 2 [      ]
Param 3 [      ]

Then we are doing:
Enable Action (V)
Param 1 [text1]
Param 2 [      ]
Param 3 [number3]

Pressing Save and Apply and LuCI performs running of our module:
insmod action.ko param1=text1 param3=number3


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