[luci] 500 Internal Server Error

Станислав Федоров fedorovstanislav at mail.ru
Mi Sep 3 15:20:13 CEST 2008

Hello, LuCI-men

I tried to play with examples and got a error.
Actions from http://luci.freifunk-halle.net/Documentation/ModulesHowTo work but views don't. Here is content of my /home/stanislav/trunk/applications/ffc/controller/ffc/config.lua:

module("luci.controller.ffc.config", package.seeall)

function index()
    entry({"click", "here", "now"}, call("action_tryme"), "Click here", 10)
    entry({"my", "new", "template"}, template("ffc-config/helloworld.htm"), "Hello world", 20)
function action_tryme()
    luci.http.write("Haha, rebooting now...")

And here is /home/stanislav/trunk/applications/ffc/views/ffc-config/helloworld.htm:
<h1><%:hw Hello World%></h1> 

http://localhost:8080/luci/click/here/now work and shows:
Haha, rebooting now...

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, the server encountered an unexpected error.

.../stanislav/trunk/host//usr/lib/lua/luci/template.lua:207: Fatal: Cachefile is not sane!

Any ideas, patches, jokes)...


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