[luci] adding text/translation for new configuration option

Henning Holtschneider henning at loca.net
Mon Jul 13 21:30:27 CEST 2009

Hello everbody,

I've added a new configuration parameter to my OpenWrt system by  
adding the following lines to .../modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/ 
admin_network/wifi.lua of my custom luci feed:

clientcert = s:option(FileUpload, "client_cert",  

Now, the web interface shows the string 'client_cert'. How do I  
translate that string into something more human-readable? I suppose  
the string has to end up in one of the .lua "string files" via .po  
files but I don't know which steps I have to take to re-generate those  

Thanks a lot,
Henning Holtschneider
LocaNet oHG - http://www.loca.net
Lindemannstrasse 81, D-44137 Dortmund
tel +49 231 91596-25, fax +49 231 91596-55
sip 25 at voip.loca.net

Registergericht Amtsgericht Dortmund HRA 14208
Geschäftsführer Sven Haufe, Henning Holtschneider

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