[luci] OSPF luci app..

kl kloschi at subsignal.org
Tue Sep 1 19:45:51 CEST 2009

Hi Guillermo,

I am no LuCI dev but I can answer some of your questions :)

On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 14:21 -0300, Guillermo Javier Nardoni [Grupo
GERYON] wrote:
> Our firmware is a fork of openwrt one, so the question regarding this
> is if there is a luci app to configure OSPF, if it isn't so,

AFAIK not yet.

> we'd like to develop one.

kewl :)

> Where can I find information on how to build an app with luci, the UCI
> interface and so on?.

there is the luci main site:

with lots of helpful documentation here:

the source repo & tracker is here:

from these places you can find your way to the most of the needed docs
and code and such.

further, this mailinglist archive is full of detailed questions and
answers, some even in howto quality:

look through it using scroogle (the google scraper ;) like this:

> thank you very much and please forgive my english :D

no worries, as long as people are able to understand what you want to
say! and, you english isn't bad at all :)


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