[luci] config ssl and difference module/app

Jo-Philipp Wich xm at subsignal.org
Thu Sep 10 03:08:45 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1


> Hi I have first a general understanding question. What is the
> difference between an "application" and a "module"? They have the
> same structure of directories.

Technically there is no difference, it's more a guideline for grouping
things. A "module" is a collection of pages and config frontends that
are intended to work "standalone", means without dependencies on other
"plugins" except the foundation libraries. An "application" is an
optional extension that covers one specific application and depends on
an module.

For example the "admin-full" module provides the basic menu structure,
login- and logout handling, common system config pages and base files
while the "fw" application extends "admin-full" with config screens to
change firewall rules and stuff.

> The second question is about the luci ssl support. When I just
> execute "make runhttpd" I get the error message "Failed to initialize
> daemon https: Encryption requested, but no TLS context given". What
> are the dependencies I need and how can I configure ssl.

This is the usual behaviour when running the httpd within the sdk.
The default uci configuration for the httpd does not contain a tls
configuration. I added a simple patch below which enables the generation
of ssl certificates on the first server start.

Index: libs/lucid/hostfiles/etc/config/lucid
- --- libs/lucid/hostfiles/etc/config/lucid	(revision 5316)
+++ libs/lucid/hostfiles/etc/config/lucid	(working copy)
@@ -48,7 +48,14 @@
 	list publisher luciweb
 	option enabled 1
 	option encryption enable
+	option tls sdk_tls
+config tls sdk_tls
+	option generate 1
+	option key /tmp/lucid-tls.key
+	option cert /tmp/lucid-tls.cert
+	option type asn1
 config daemon rpc
 	option slave rpcd
 	list address 12900

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