[luci] Custom buttons and functions

Hanno Schupp hanno.schupp at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 12:26:08 CEST 2009

Very interesting. Thank you for the reply. I have two follow up questions:

You are suggesting the use of the CBI approach as oppose to the template/view approach by the previous respondent. Now the three approaches below seem to be tied to sections, which in turn have to be tied to a mapping to a schema. But would that not assumethe three kinds of buttons have to refer to the same /etc/config/file ? and if they do not (as is my case) does this mean these three button type cannot be on the same page?

And the action created in a function in the controller: Is that really creating a button on the screen? Or rather an action in response to an button still to be created on the page defined in  the corresponding model/cbi file?

Is there a principle advantage in the CBI approach versus the view/template approach proposed by the previous respondent?

I may be very confused and therefore apologise for my ignorance in advance. I am not familiar with MVC kind of programming.
I look forward to your advice.

Thank again.

Hanno Schupp

-----Original Message-----
From: Jo-Philipp Wich [mailto:xm at subsignal.org] 
Sent: Friday, 25 September 2009 11:12 p.m.
To: luci at lists.subsignal.org
Subject: Re: [luci] Custom buttons and functions

Hash: SHA1


> I am trying to create a page that includes the following elements:
> a) A button that points to a URL outside the router, but with part of the
> URL parameters set by uci variables (set in a /etc/configfile

You can do that by wrapping the cbi action into a call action on the
controller side, like this:

local page = entry({"admin", "foo", "bar"}, call("myhandler"), ...)
function myhandler(self)
  if luci.http.formvalue("some_value") then
    luci.http.redirect("http://some.url/" ..
    self.model = "some/cbi/model"
    return _cbi(self)

> b) A button that allows to start a daemon or stop it. Button should toggle
> Start/Stop depending on the status of the programme

See the following url for an example:

> c) A button that triggers a shell script programme when pressed. However,
> depending on a configuration option stored in one of the /etc/config files
> the button should either show, ready for action, or show a text in lieu of
> the button, indicating the function is not available.

This is best done in the cbi model like this:
local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state()

if uci:get("some_config", "some_section", "available") == "1" then
  s:option(Button, ...)
  s:option(DummyValue, ...)

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