[luci] Help with a map.parse function not displaying error messages

Chris Martin chris at martin.cc
Mon Jul 12 04:55:04 CEST 2010

I am trying to validate all VLAN ids to ensure that the last 4 bytes are
unique, using the following parse function to perform the validation.  The
parse function is based on an example the JoW provided (Thanks JoW)

The map has 3 NamedSections, and a TypedSection, as shown in the  the
attached screen image

I have 2 issues

First - The error messages on line 64 & 68 are never displayed
Second - If conflicting VLAN IDs are configured in the TypedSection, only
one of the fields is maked in red

I would really appreciate if someone could take a look at this.  I have
looked over both cbi.lua and uvl.lua and I just can't see what I am doing
wrong.   Any comments / insights will be greatly appreciated.

   1. -- Load the vlan config file
   2. m = Map("vlans", "VLANs", "")
   4. -- override the parse function
   5. function m.parse(self, ...)
   7. -- do custom processing before we call the origional parse routine
   8. -- that way we can turn off the ".save" flag
   10. -- only do custom processing if we are being asked to save the config
   11. if self.save then
   12. local section_obj
   14. -- empty table, to be populated as we process each vlan slot
   15. local vlan_table = {}
   17. -- loop over each section
   18. for _, section_obj in ipairs(self.children) do
   20. local section_ids -- NOTE: there may be more than 1 Id, (expecially
   21. -- check section type
   22. if util.instanceof(section_obj, NamedSection) then
   23. -- this is a named section,
   24. -- the uci id of this section is
   25. -- stored in section_obj.section
   26. section_ids = { section_obj.section }
   27. elseif util.instanceof(section_obj, TypedSection) then
   28. -- this is a typed section,
   29. -- it may map to multiple uci ids
   30. section_ids = section_obj:cfgsections()
   31. end
   33. -- now validate the fields within this section
   34. -- for each associated config section
   36. local sid
   38. for _, sid in ipairs(section_ids) do
   39. local fld
   40. for _, fld in ipairs(section_obj.children) do
   41. -- get the value for a specific field in the section.
   42. -- I am only interested in the VLAN ID field for now
   43. if fld.option == "id" then
   44. -- do the custom checks on the vlan ID,
   45. -- The last 4 bits of each Vlan ID MUST be unique as There are only
   16 slots in the the switch Vlan table.
   46. -- If two vlans have the last 4 bits the same the second will
   overwrite the first
   47. local vlan_id = fld:formvalue(sid)
   48.   if vlan_id ~= nil then
   49.                             local vlan_index = vlan_id % 16
   50. local vlan_entry = vlan_table[vlan_index]
   51.   if vlan_entry == nil then
   52.   vlan_table[vlan_index] = {}
   53.   vlan_table[vlan_index].sid     = sid
   54.   vlan_table[vlan_index].fld     = fld
   55.   vlan_table[vlan_index].vlan_id = vlan_id
   56.   else
   57.   -- The slot is already occupied
   58.   -- So don't save this config
   59.   self.save = false
   60.   -- set the error massage
   61.   if fld.error == nil then
   62.   fld.error = {}
   63.   end
   64.   fld.error[sid] = "The last 4 bits of Vlan ID "..vlan_id.."
   conflicts with vlan id ".. vlan_entry.vlan_id
   65.   if vlan_entry.fld.error == nil then
   66.   vlan_entry.fld.error = {}
   67.   end
   68.                                 vlan_entry.fld.error[vlan_entry.sid]
   = "The last 4 bits of VLAN ID "..vlan_entry.vlan_id.." conflicts with VLAN
   Id "..vlan_id
   69.   end
   70.   end
   71.   end
   72.   end
   73.   end
   74.   end
   75. end
   77.     -- call the original function
   78. Map.parse(self, ...)
   80. end


Chris Martin
m: 0419812371
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