[luci] luci-app-openvpn dependencies

Stefan Sydow st at metafly.info
Thu Nov 21 16:06:32 CET 2013


I would like to use luci-app-openvpn with openvpn-polarssl.
So the dependency should say "if not openvpn-polarssl select openvpn",
but it uses already a conditional dependency.

It says:
package/feeds/luci/luci/Makefile:402 :
$(eval $(call application,openvpn,LuCI Support for OpenVPN,\
	+PACKAGE_luci-app-openvpn:openvpn @BROKEN))

And I just don't understand why the openvpn dependency is conditional on
the package itself. A scheme that all packages follow.
I guess I missed something obvious.

Is there a common way to express an alternative dependency in luci


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