[luci] upload file using LuCI web gui

Seamus Tuohy s2e at opentechinstitute.org
Fri Sep 20 17:27:03 CEST 2013

Hey Igor,

I just cobbled this together from some scrap code to give you an idea of
how it can be done. the only important component of this is the
setFileHandler that I modified from sysupgrade some time ago. That
actually uploads a file.

===============HTML Page==============================
Note: you will need to define your error div class
<form method="post" action="<%=REQUEST_URI%>"
<div id="zone-content-wrapper">
  <div id="zone-content">
    <div class="error"><%=error%></div>
    <div class="cbi-value">
      <label class="cbi-value-title tippable" data-tip="<%:Click on the
field below to upload a file.%>"><%:Upload%></label>
      <input type="file" name="input-name" id="media" />
      <div class="upload-description">
        <%:Upload%> a file here, the text said helpfully
<input type="submit" name="input-name" value="submit">
========================Controller File===========


function index()
   entry({"admin", "uploader"}, call("uploader"))

--Uploader calls the file uploader and checks if the file is a correct
function uploader()
   local error = nil	
   --add your defaults (file_name is optional btw)
   file_loc = "/place/to/save/file/"
   input_field = "input-name"
   file_name = "default name"
   --actually call the file handler
   --get the values from the forms on the page
   local values = luci.http.formvalue()
   --get the value of the input field
   local ul = values[input_field]
   --make sure something is being uploaded
   if ul ~= '' and ul ~= nil then
	  --Start your uploader
	  setFileHandler(file_loc, input_field, file_name)
	  --Run whatever check you need against the file to make sure it is
accurate. Return nil if all is ok. (this function not included in this
	  error = checkFile(file_loc)
   luci.template.render("admin/uploader", {error=error})

--setFileHandler (stolen from sysUpgrade)
--location: (string) The full path to where the file should be saved.
--input_name: (string) The name specified by the input html field.
<input type="submit" name="input_name_here" value="whatever you want"/>
--file_name: (string, optional) The optional name you would like the
file to be saved as. If left blank the file keeps its uploaded name.
function setFileHandler(location, input_name, file_name)
	  local sys = require "luci.sys"
	  local fs = require "luci.fs"
	  local fp
		 function(meta, chunk, eof)
		 if not fp then
			--make sure the field name is the one we want
			if meta and meta.name == input_name then
			   --use the file name if specified
			   if file_name ~= nil then
				  fp = io.open(location .. file_name, "w")
				  fp = io.open(location .. meta.file, "w")
		 --actually do the uploading.
		 if chunk then
		 if eof then


So, there you go. That should get you 85% of the way there. Since it is
pulled from a few places and sanitized to be generic there may be a bug
or two you have to find when making it work for your page.


On 09/20/2013 09:57 AM, Igor wrote:
> I need a sample file upload form or page what allow me to upload a file
> (for example config file) on modem.
> Thanks
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