[luci] Use of luci.ip.cidr ?

Ken Bantoft kbantoft at satcomdirect.com
Mon Jan 20 20:23:24 CET 2014

Hi List,

I¹m trying to figure out how to use the luci.ip.cidr object.  I¹ve looked
through the LuCI source, and the only references seem to be within the
ip.lua library itself.  Other modules seem to take their own approaches
(olsr and meshwizard )

What I¹m trying to do it simply increment an IP address by 1, which I
thought should be something likeŠ

local ipc = require "luci.ip"

local myip = ipc.IPv4(³192.168.0.0/24²)

However that just fails with attempt to index field 'cidr' (a nil value).
Can someone point me in the syntactically correct direction?



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