[luci] Accessing the switch / vlan configuration using json

Jan Lühr ff at jluehr.de
Thu Mar 26 14:34:00 CET 2015

Hello folks,

I'm not really into luci development, but stumbeled up on

I'm up to write a small JavaScript-App, that is to be integrated into
Luci. The global use case is to configure the switch in built-in routers.
I noticed, that luci itself has some capabilities (showing a picture,
with ports, etc.), but the corresponding UI doesn't match our use-case.

The JavaScript needs access
-> The switch characteristics (number of ports, vlan-tagging-support,
CPU-Port etc.)
-> The current port status (data rate, errors, pluged in devices,
reachable mac-addresses)
-> Write access to the Switch's configuration (assign ports to different
vlans, different interfaces to different bridges).

All these things are available in the Luci Web-UI (afair) - but how do I
access 'em using JavaScript?


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