[sublab-announce] Open Source Appropriate Technology // 13.04

Marvin Schlegel me at marvinschlegel.com
Sa Apr 5 13:09:20 CEST 2014

Daniel Connell will be giving a presentation and discussion on methods
and open source technologies for living offgrid, low-tech alternative
infrastructure development around the world, and his current
on-the-ground building project through remote Australia and Asia which
proceeds from the talk will be funding.
Included will be walkthroughs on the construction and use of some of the
devices he's been so far developing, including a non-electrical solar
tracker, vertical axis wind turbine, communications reflector dish, and
non-electrical air conditioner and refrigerator.

The talk will be in English with German translation as needed. Entry is
by donation.

When: 13.4.2014 16:00

Where: sublab e.V. :: karl-heine-str. 93 :: 04229 leipzig


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