[luci] LuCI - Implementing CBI Save/Save and Apply Hook

Damian Wynne damian.wynne2 at mail.dcu.ie
Wed Nov 24 16:56:48 CET 2010


I was wondering if anybody could help me. Currently, I am using an
older version (0.8.6), and was wondering what would be the easiest way
to backport the save/save&apply hooks that are seen in the cbi.lua
file off the 0.9 branch. Specifically, I want to use the
"on_before_commit" hook. Or, can you offer a simple way of comparing
the contents of multiple textboxes before writing them into the

What I need is a page which displays 8 textboxes, each of which has 2
labels associated (i.e. label1 - label2 - textbox). This page needs to
be dynamic, as there are 6 possible pages which can be displayed (i.e.
text boxes 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, ...). I need to be able to check the
contents of each of the 8 textboxes and ensure that none are the same,
and that the values entered don't match the values currently stored
for the other 40 textboxes.

Any help you can provide is much appreciated,


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