[luci] luci.http.header don't works

Bryan Mayland bmayland at leoninedev.com
Tue Apr 24 19:56:10 CEST 2012

On 4/24/2012 1:41 PM, Lay András wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/lua
> require'luci.http'
> ertek=luci.http.formvalue('ertek')
> print(ertek)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I call the script from browser xxx.lua?ertek=cucc, but nothing
> printed. How to do this?

Same issue again. You've got a CGI script, not a luci page handler, 
which means that you can't use luci.http at all. If you want to make use 
of the luci framework for http handling (which I suggest you do if your 
project has any complexity) then you need to make a luci module. It is 
quite easy and powerful.

If you want to keep going the bare CGI script method, I recommend you 
read up on how query parameters are passed to CGI scripts in general. 
The answer is through environment variables, see RFC3875 section 4.1 
"Request MetaVariables"

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