[luci] luci.http.setfilehandler function not called

Federico Fissore federico at fissore.org
Sat May 25 16:46:03 CEST 2013

Hi everyone

I've solved the problem by putting the call to setfilehandler into 
index() function body

Debugging with some prints, I've found that the code that should have 
called my handler was called BEFORE the handler was set up, so it found 
"nil" and ignored the file

in the handler I had to check if path_info matches the desired one and 
also to put the uploaded file name in a custom environment variable

in the upload() function I then manage the uploaded file, making things 
with it

in essence: ugly and dirty

Could it be caused by the fact that i'm NOT using cbi, but building the 
view and handling the requests on my own?


Federico Fissore, il 23/05/2013 18:28, ha scritto:
> Hi everyone
> I'm trying to handle a file upload with function
> function upload()
>    local fp
>    luci.http.setfilehandler(function(meta, chunk, eof)
>      if not fp and meta and meta.name == "image" then
>        local filename = luci.http.formvalue("sketch")
>        fp = io.open("/tmp/" .. filename, "w")
>      end
>      if fp then
>        if chunk then
>          fp:write(chunk)
>        end
>        if eof then
>          fp:close()
>        end
>      end
>    end)
> end
> configured with
> entry({ "image", "upload" }, call("upload"), _("My Web Panel"), 10)
> Problem is that that function is not called at all
> I'm using luci branch 0.11 from
> http://svn.luci.subsignal.org/luci/branches/luci-0.11
> Any hints? I'm quite stuck... :(
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