[luci] luci.subsignal.org down - 502 Bad Gateway

Jesse Monroy jesse650 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 23:50:01 CET 2015

Hi all,
I'm documenting parts of Luci for the Arduino Yun.
As it turns out, the Yun has some software that use
the luci via the webserver to pass data back and forth.

Right now there insufficient documentation to tell
what is happening. From the code available, it
looks easy, but it is not clear.

I've found the code for luci.sgi.cgi.run(),
but what 'luci.dispatcher.indexcache' does
is not clear at all - without looking at the

So, my question is:
* will the server be back up soon?
* If not, is there an alternative I can find the code at

require "luci.cacheloader"
require "luci.sgi.cgi"
luci.dispatcher.indexcache = "/tmp/luci-indexcache"

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