[luci] problems with LuCi Asterisk Webpages, Asterisk-XIP and running with Asterisk 1.4

Jo-Philipp Wich xm at subsignal.org
Sat Apr 4 19:20:41 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1


> Q1: when a change is made on the webpages that change the /etc/config
> asterisk uci conf file, what triggers the scripts to write to the asterisk
> specific config files (such as extensions.conf)?

The regeneration of the config is triggered by /etc/init.d/asterisk .

> Q2: do all the changes get written to the asterisk native conf files only or
> does the asterisk database get written to/ read from?

LuCI writes everything to /etc/config/asterisk and the asteriskuci
scripts translate that to native configuration (ini-style .conf) files.

> Q3: is there any asterisk data that is not stored in the asterisk database
> or its .conf files?

Maybe in the future. It's likely that we'll ship the package with
certain macros and stuff that are not editable via gui but solely
present as native config files and/or the AstDB. Also resources like
audiosamples etc. are data that's not touched by the gui but included by
the asteriskuci scripts.

> Q4: are there any plans to access the asterisk database with UCI scripts or
> should I avoid using it and stick with the asterisk .conf files?

Atm there are no such plans. But since AstDB is just Berkeley DB we
might add some functionality for that in the future. Right now there's
neither any gui work done on this nor do we have a bdb-lua library to
implement required apis for that.

~ JoW
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